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Transforming Surveying with Elevate 4D


As the business owner of Central Highlands Engineering Surveys, Craig Twaddle is always on the lookout for technology that can enhance the efficiency and precision of major projects. As a key contractor for large surveying, construction, mining and engineering sites across Australia, Mr Twaddle says that purchasing the Elevate 4D software from Aptella was a no-brainer and has proven to be an incredibly successful investment for his company.  

“We’ve been using the technology for about four to five months now since also purchasing the DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise from Aptella, with training in the Elevate 4D software.” Mr Twaddle says the system has proven to be invaluable, particularly in mining surveying where they are continually measuring volume and material moved around on site. The rapid data acquisition capabilities of Elevate 4D have made their processes far more efficient. “Using the Elevate 4D system, I can complete a flight in 20 minutes, processing the data in the office, as opposed to 5-6 hours on site using traditional methods, such as RTK (real-time kinematic) and this has transformed our operations.” 

Mr Twaddle says the user-friendliness of the Elevate 4D software cannot be overstated. “I found Elevate 4D super easy to pick up, and in instances where I needed support, I’d reach out directly to Gavin Docherty who manages the product for Aptella and immediately have comprehensive real time assistance.” Mr Twaddle adds, “the simplicity of the system allows my team to focus on the job rather than getting bogged down in complicated software.” 

elevate 4d | Central Highlands Engineering Surveys

Furthermore, he says that partnering with Aptella has been a fantastic experience. “Purchasing the drone, I spoke to Alan Featherstonhaugh, Account Manager RPAS, regarding the purchase of the drone, who recommended Elevate 4D.” After purchasing, Mr Twaddle says the support from Aptella only continued when he was offered a one-on-one training session with Alan Bullock, Aptella’s Application Specialist and then received additional support from Gavin Docherty, Market Development Manager RPAS. “The service and support provided by the Aptella team has been exemplary. Every time I have a question, the team gets back to me straight away, and everyone can get me an answer” he adds. 

For Central Highlands Engineering Surveys safety on site has improved significantly since adopting this technology. “Ultimately, you’re not in the pit amongst machines, whilst still maintaining high levels of accuracy” says Mr Twaddle. Impressively, the company also found that the accuracy they are getting with Elevate 4D and the drone is the same as RTK. 

For Central Highlands Engineering Surveys the compatibility of the data collected is another key advantage. “The data from Elevate 4D is useful and compatible with GIS systems, enhancing the overall workflow and integration with existing tools on sites” says Mr Twaddle. 

Ultimately Mr Twaddle says he’s really impressed and happy with the system, service and support provided by Aptella. ”I highly recommend Elevate 4D for anyone involved in engineering, construction, surveying, or mining. It’s a very user-friendly system. When you use new software, you don’t want to be spending hours and hours working it out—Elevate 4D makes it easy to get the job done right.” Mr Twaddle adds, “Central Highlands wholeheartedly recommends Aptella for their outstanding service and the Elevate 4D system. They certainly affirmed our decision to purchase this technology and I would recommend Aptella to anyone looking for cutting-edge surveying solutions.”