Survey + Spatial NZ

28-30th August 2024
Napier War Memorial Centre, Napier
Visit us on booths 5 and 6

Looking ahead in the

Survey and Spatial New Zealand, Tātai Whenua helps to connect people requiring a survey or spatial professional with our members.

We promote growth, innovation and excellence in all facets of the surveying and spatial sector in New Zealand.

Our mission is to lead and foster a vibrant sector that allows the surveying and spatial profession to grow and positively influence our communities.

hp siteprint construction layout robot

See the NEW HP Siteprint in action!

HP SitePrint is an autonomous, robotic solution that reads 2D plans and prints them directly onto the floor of a construction site. The device is capable of printing not only lines, but other elements such as points, arcs, and text too.

Register for a demo