Information about the SWARM
- Complies with industry standards: DIN4150-2, DIN4150-3, DIN 45669-1, BS7385, BS6841, ISO2631, SBR-A 2010, SBR-A 2017, SBR-B, Circulaire du 23/07/1986, ISEE (USBM RI8507 & OSMRE) and SN640312a.
- The SWARM construction vibration monitor continuously sends the measurement data automatically to Honeycomb via 4G/LTE, WiFi or PoE using an adapter.
- Mounting is very quick and easy.
- The SWARM is compact, lightweight, and IP65 rated.
Construction Vibration monitor with MEMS technology
The SWARM vibration monitor is the most efficient and high-quality vibration monitor on the market and uses MEMS technology. Geophones are no longer needed.
An easy to install vibration monitor
Installing the SWARM is incredibly fast and easy, as you can see in this video. You can configure the measuring points remotely via the Honeycomb web platform. There you can also access your measurement data 24/7, from anywhere in the world from your laptop, smartphone or tablet.
A compact solution for vibration monitoring
The SWARM is compact (10,9 x 13 x 4,5 cm) (4.29 x 5.12 x 1.77 inch) and lightweight (260 gr (9.17 oz).
Vibration meter for the construction and infrastructure sector
Our customers use the SWARM vibration monitor worldwide in construction and infrastructure and also to measure vibrations of other nature, such as vibrations at windmills, vibrations at data centers and vibrations from heavy traffic. You use the SWARM to measure potential damage to structures and to measure nuisance for people in buildings.
A complete and qualitative vibration monitor
The SWARM is IP65 rated, complies with industry standards and measures according to the latest and relevant standards and guidelines.
Construction vibrations monitors with a wireless connection
The measurement data is automatically sent from the SWARM to the Honeycomb platform via 4G/LTE or WiFi. You will never again have to retrieve monitoring data from the jobsite. You save time and manpower through the unprecedented efficiency of the SWARM.
Vibration monitoring for your relevant standard and guideline
Your Omnidots SWARM measures the Vtop (PPV / Peak Particle Velocity) and the Atop (PPA / Peak Particle Acceleration) for guidelines DIN4150-3, BS7385 and SBR-A. For DIN4150-2 your SWARM measures KBF, max (maximum weighted vibration severity) and for SBR-B your SWARM measures the same value, but then it is called Veff, max (maximum effective speed). For BS6841, ISO2631, ISO5349 and ISO8041, your SWARM measures the VDV (Vibration Dose Values). Also PPV support for ISEE (USBM RI 8507 and OSMRE) and SN640312a is included.
Export vibration monitoring data
You can download all monitoring data as CSV, Excel or retrieve the data using the Omnidots API. In Honeycomb you can generate notifications for Vtop (PPV) and also for Atop (PPA).
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